SB 348 Protects Children’s Health, Aligns CA With Pediatrician-Recommended Guidelines for Added Sugar and Salt in School Meals Sacramento – Governor Newsom has added his signature to SB 348 (Skinner), making California the first state in the nation to codify President Joe Biden’s new federal nutrition guidelines aimed at reducing added salt and sugar in school meals. Enshrining […]
Pediatricians, Health & Anti-Hunger Advocates Applaud California Senate for Advancing Landmark Bill to Help Students Learn, Grow, Thrive SB 348 Ensures Every California Student Has Access to Two Free, Healthy Meals at School, Including Half-Days Sacramento, CA – California students are one step closer to receiving fresh, nutritious meal options at school now that Senate […]
Via California Health Report – by Ksenia Glenn When California passed the landmark School Meals for All legislation in 2021, we became the first state in the nation to provide free breakfast and lunch for all K-12 students regardless of income. Since then, 26 states have introduced similar legislation in response to the end of federal pandemic […]
Via EdSource – Written by Erin Primer & Lena Alsarraf California families straining to stretch their food dollars were dealt a major blow in March when the federal government announced it would end the boost to SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps) provided during the Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the tighter the squeeze on families’ […]
#SB348 passed the Senate Human Services Committee! Thank you to the committee members for your leadership! We’re one step closer to ensuring CA’s children have access to nutritious meals! BREAKING:#SB348 passed the Senate Human Services Committee yesterday! Thank you @NancySkinnerCA @AlvaradoGil2026 @rosilicie @CarolineMenjiv3 @aishabbwahab @Senator_Hurtado for your leadership! We're one step closer to ensuring CA's children […]
State Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, today introduced SB 348, which would set guidelines for the amount of sugar added to school meals in all California K-12 schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program. The Healthy Meals for Kids legislation is designed to reduce the incidence of diabetes and other health issues that are […]